Directions to Saint  George's

Serving the Roseburg Community Since 1860
Saint George Episcopal Church
"Loving God,
Loving Our Neighbors"
1024 S. E. Cass Ave.
   Roseburg, Oregon  97470         
(541) 673-4048
Co-Rectors: The Revs. Janine and Matt Goodrich

email me

Church Office Hours 

10 am—2 pm
Monday through Friday

Click the button for St. George's  videos.
St. George's YouTube

March 9: The First Sunday in Lent
The Rev. Matt Goodrich Presiding

Worship Services:

Sundays 10:30
Holy Eucharist

Wednesdays 10:00
Morning Prayer
Gospel: Luke 4:1-13
From 3-5 pm 
30° & below weather — Check Facebook
Ash Wednesday Service
The Rev. Matt Goodrich